The Fifth Epochal Revelation (The Urantia Book)

The Fifth Epochal Revelation

            This is Gods latest revelation to man of his wonderous works and how much he loves us his universe children.

            This revelation is in the form of “The Urantia Book” that may be read in published book form or on-line at the website This book has been translated into many languages, so that it can be spread to the people of the earth (urantia) as quickly as possible.

            With such an important work, many attempts have been and are being made by people and organizations to acquire or imply the exclusive authority to interpret and present the “correct” meanings and values of the UB.

            There is also a very real, present and deceitful movement that is trying to stop the dissemination of these writings and teachings.

            Everyone wants to be the Guru and present themselves as the most learned and knowledgeable interpreter of these writings. Such is not the case however, because there is present within the spirit of everyone contact with the Spirit of Truth that is the author and finisher of the truthfulness of these writings.

            Learning to converse in a prayerful trusting manner with the Spirit of Truth who is the spirit of our Creator (Jesus of Nazareth) is to trust the leading of the Holy spirit (the still small voice within) that will faithfully guide you into all truth with a knowing beyond all doubt assurance that this is a real revelation.