Let Your Light so Shine

Let Your Light so Shine

            As written in the Gospels: Matthew 5:16

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.

            My interpretation of this is:

As a son of God, you are living your life as a reflection of your Heavenly Fathers’ Light, and as a light seen by others, you are also an example of how a worthy son should behave and live out that life. You are a son of God, so act like one. Not as one in a spotlight saying, “Hey look at ME, live like me, do like me, look at my dazzling brilliance”, but as a guiding light to lead others into finding the joys of a humble servant enjoying a loving relationship of working in his Fathers’ workshop of his endless Universe of opportunities and possibilities of service.

You never know who is watching you live your life and if you are living what you preach or if you are a liar and a phony. You may be impacting others in ways unseen by you. By practicing living to always do what is right, if and when the time comes to act, without thinking you’ll instinctively respond to the crisis in a courageous way without fear.

Jesus showed us in humbly living his life as a man that we too can enjoy these spiritual joys here now while on the earth.