Eugenics Revisited

A fresh view of an age-old debate

The old idea:

Human intelligence could be improved by selective breeding practices as shown by the improvements in desirable stock qualities through selective breeding of plants and animals.

That improving human intelligence was a matter of culling out the undesirable members by breeding restrictions such as mandatory sterilization, forced abortions, even genocide.

Governments even got involved in selecting undesirable racial groups to be exterminated so that further pollution of the desirable gene pool could be avoided.

History has shown the most disastrous results of these ideas and practices. World wars killed off the best of the virile men breeding stock to leaving the lesser specimens to carry the gene pool forward.

A Discussion about Intelligence

In man’s research to discover what intelligence is in living creatures, some surprising things have been found out.

  1. Animals are not as dumb as we used to think. Domesticated animals like chickens, geese, hogs, goats, cattle, horses, donkeys, cats, and dogs, all have displayed amazingly high levels of intelligence that only the owners that tend to them can attest to.
  2. Wild creatures (some kept as pets) such as crows, ravens, parrots, rats, even octopi that display near human levels of problem solving and reasoning. Spiders that seem to plan out strategies for attacking prey. And what about Slime molds that have other worldly ways of problem solving that seems to include planning for the FUTURE!

The animal and plant world has shown us that intelligence is just one factor and should not be used alone to determine suitability for physical body improvements.

Genetic Potential

 should be the determining criteria for human physical improvement.

All humans need the beneficial improvements possible through natural reproduction using responsible unbiased, nonracial, nonpolitical, methods.

Possible Benefits

  1. Better resistance to certain diseases, especially genetic related diseases.

Some diseases are racial in nature because of cultural practices, such as the Jewish genetic diseases caused by certain degrees of inbreeding. Others genetic diseases such as Downs Syndrome are known by the characteristic chromosome duplicity.

Some experimental programs such as cloning are proving out to be more problematic then expected, due to insufficient knowledge of all the aspects of genetics. Let nature be the guide rather than the egotistical limited knowledge scientists.

People who have worked with breeding plants and animals to improve them know of the Hybrid Heartiness of crosses.

The blending of all the races of humans to give a one racial characteristic is not possible at this age in history or desirable, but the blending of the desirable strengths interracially may be the step that can lead to the desired improvements.

When the black race was forced to breed like cattle to improve their physical strength during the world period of slavery, the result was the larger physically strong men and women of today in the areas of the world where slavery was dominant. Today the descendants of these men and women are the desired recruits in many of the physically competitive sports.

The black race has a much higher rate of sickle cell anemia disease, very probably because of ancestry from regions of the world where malaria is prevalent. If this race is genetically altered to be susceptible to sickle cell anemia at the rate of 73 per 1000, but only 2.2 to 3 for Asian-Whites, then it would seem beneficial that a Black Asian or Black White mating would give the offspring a much higher chance of not having the SCD gene, with that chance increasing with each generation.

 Of course, interracial marriage although accepted by many is objectionable to many and even legally banned in some cases, but that is another topic.

The desired eventual outcome of this program would be strong sound disease resistant bodies, plus a vigorous intelligent intellect that makes for an ideal specimen of a human being.

Humans that are physically robust, mentally sharp, and emotionally balanced are what is desired.