Where We Come From

Where We Come From

Our Heavenly Father gives each of us a Unique Personality, a one of a kind Universally recognized Identity, and a Name.

Our Heavenly Mother gives each of us a Mind of Unlimited Universal Potential.

Together through infinite Fatherly and Motherly Love,  a Spirit being is brought into existence with Unlimited Potential for growth, knowledge, and eternal life.

We as human beings were created by our Creator God known as Jesus of Nazareth, universe name Michael, through the evolutionary processes developed by Him, and have been given the same unlimited potentials for growth and advancement. In his mortal life, he showed that it can be achieved  in this lifetime; the  perfection level acceptable to the Heavenly Father.

Other mortals have also achieved this level of acceptable perfection. Enoch, and Elijah were both raptured, and show that it is possible for anyone with the willing desire to strive for spiritual perfection can also achieve this.

We are babes born into a vast Universe of Potential Development.

As newborns, we are loved, nurtured and started on the process of training and development. We are started on the path of development from the  beginning as a babe. From this mortality, and through many succeeding lifetimes, we will finally reach the final destiny goal of perfection and the Divine Affectionate Embrace by Our Heavenly Father and Mother.