The Urantia Book excerpts / The Chosen TV series

The Chosen Episode Stories

as described in the Urantia Book with Bible reference.

                                                                                Chosen Episode     UB Ref: Paper (pg#)           Bible ref:

  • The Catch of the Fish                                   S1, Ep 4      145:1.1 (1628.4)        John 21: 3-6
  • Wedding at Cana, (Water to Wine)            S1, Ep 5       137:4.1 (1528.4)        John2:1-10
  • Healing the Leper                                             S1, Ep 6       146:4.3 (1643.4)       Matthew8:2-4
  •                                                                                                                                    Mark 1:40-45
  • Healing Tamars friend with the palsy         S1, Ep 6     148:9.1 (1666.5)        Mark 2: 1-12
  • The Calling of Matthew Levi                       S1, Ep 7    139:7.1 (1559.5)        Mark 2: 14
  •  Meeting with Nicodemus                              S1, Ep 7       142:6.1 (1601.6)        John 3:1-18
  • Healing Peters mother-in-law Amatha     S1, Ep 8  145:2.15 (1631.3) Matthew 8: 14-15
  • The Samaritan Woman at Jacobs Well     S1, Ep 8       143:5.1 (1612.4)        John 4:4-42
  • James and John, Sons of Thunder             S2, Ep 1       139:3.5 (1553.1)        Mark 3:17
  • Philip and Nathaniel                                       S2, Ep 2       137:2.3 (1526.3)        John1: 45-46
  • Bethesda Pool Healing                                    S2, Ep 4        147:3.1 (1649.1)       John 5:1-16
  • The Man with the Withered Hand             S2, Ep 6       148:7.1 (1664.5) Matthew 12:10-13
  • Eating of grain on the Sabbath                    S2, Ep 6        147:6.4 (1654.3)   Matthew 12:1-9
  •                                                                                                                                    Mark 2:23-28
  • Sermon on the Mount                                   S3, Ep 1        140:3.1 (1570.2)       Matthew 5,6,7

 Of all the daring things which Jesus did in connection with his earth career, the most amazing was his sudden announcement on the evening of January 16: “On the morrow we will set apart ten women for the ministering work of the kingdom.”                                                                 S3, Ep 1       150:1.1 (1678.5) 

  • The Women’s Evangelistic Corps: These ten women selected and commissioned by Jesus were: Susanna, the daughter of the former chazan of the Nazareth synagogue; Joanna, the wife of Chuza, the steward of Herod Antipas; Elizabeth, the daughter of a wealthy Jew of Tiberias and Sepphoris; Martha, the elder sister of Andrew and Peter; Rachel, the sister-in-law of Jude, the Master’s brother in the flesh; Nasanta, the daughter of Elman, the Syrian physician; Milcha, a cousin of the Apostle Thomas; Ruth, the eldest daughter of Matthew Levi; Celta, the daughter of a Roman centurion; and Agaman, a widow of Damascus. Subsequently, Jesus added two other women to this group—Mary Magdalene and Rebecca, the daughter of Joseph of Arimathea.
  • Sending the Apostles out Two and Two   S3, Ep 2,4   150:4.1 (1681.8)        Matthew 10:1-42
  • Last Sermon at Nazareth (Rejection)      S3, Ep 3       150:9.1 (1686.4)        Luke 4:28-29
  • Fasting and wineskins                                      S3, Ep 5       147:7.2 (1655.4)        Matthew 9: 14-17
  •                                                                                                                                    Mark 2: 19-22
  • Healing Veronica’s blood issue.                 S3, Ep 5       152:0.1 (1698.1)        Matthew 9:20-22
  • Healing Jairus’s daughter                         S3, Ep 5   152:1.1 (1699.1)  Matthew 9:18 26, Mark 5:21-43, Luke 8:40-56
  • Jesus’ cont. Healing/teaching                      S3, Ep 6      144:8.2 (1626.7)        Matthew 11:2-19
  • Feeding the Five Thousand                           S3, Ep 8        152:2.1 (1700.2)       Matthew 14:15-21
  • Jesus and Simon walking on water            S3, Ep 8        151:5.5 (1695.1)
  •                                                                                                152:4.1 (1703.1)       Matthew 14: 22-33
  •  Roman Captain’s (Gias) Servant Healed   S4, Ep X       147:1.1 (1647.3)        Matthew 8:5-13
  • Woman taken in Adultery (Hildana)                                 162:3.5 (1793.4)       John 8: 3-11
  • Going into Caesarea-Philippi                        S4, Ep X          157:0.1                 Matthew 16:13-20
  • At the Feast of Dedication                             Sx, Ep x             164: 0.1
  • Healing the blind beggar                               S4, Ep 3            164:3.1                John 9: 1-41
  • The Resurrection of Lazarus                         Sx, Ep x        168:0.1 (1842.1)       John 11: 1-46

David Zebedee’s messenger service:

149:0:4 (1668.4) Throughout this period and subsequently, up to the time of the final departure of Jesus and the twelve for Jerusalem, David Zebedee maintained a permanent headquarters for the work of the kingdom in his father’s house at Bethsaida. … David employed forty to fifty messengers in this intelligence division of the rapidly enlarging and extending work of the kingdom.

John 11: 3 Therefore his sisters sent (by messenger runner) unto him, saying, Lord, behold, he whom thou lovest is sick. My ( ) reference to Davids’ messenger service.